发表于 2010-8-17 09:52:31
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: d u# i Q B# Y7 l以下为中国烧友邮件询问JBL工程师的AV音箱摆位问题,虽然简短,但是根据屏幕来确定音箱位置和高度的思路很科学,原理适用于大部分家庭影院系统。! l+ s, p" L& j6 _8 J9 i
& n! u4 a6 d7 J
8 n! E4 y) T2 p' C5 a! o4 q 原文:5 O8 a2 Y2 f0 a& O; v* s
+ s |: q1 l5 s 最近装修房子,因为幕布后面是扇大的落地飘窗,音箱的摆位很是头痛。于是给美国JBL的AV工程师写信询问,看看别人专家的答复,我觉得很有道理。大家可以作为参考,本人英语水平有限,也希望哪位英语达人给出更准确的翻译。
! R" _8 b* p3 @- ? a+ ]) d9 R
1 S* n) N* p$ V5 o( q; b7 k: b 顺便说一下,老外责任心真的很赞,之前给我回复过一封只是简单地答复,并说要跟进我的问题。后来别人就与其他工程师商量,真的给了我很详细的答复。
7 V0 J1 A9 c% N5 m: s* ?, W. r. H7 h1 l
1.The optimum height for the LCR is determined by the relative height of the listener to the speaker (as a side note…the face of the actors is usually about 2/3 UP from the bottom of the screen, so it makes sense to have the tweeters on the 2/3 line from the bottom in this respect). If the speaker is mounted above the screen, and so would be above the listener, then the tweeter should be pointed at (angled down) the middle of the seating area. This is true for both the Vertical and the horizontal speakers. The statement “no more then 2 feet higher” refers to the Tweeter to Tweeter distance. If you CAN angle the speaker down to be aimed at the center of the listening area, then place the L+R higher will be better. If you CANNOT angle the speaker down then place the speakers no more then 300 (thirty degrees) above the ear height.( U( P' l8 S: K* f/ S( `% I! z0 Q, r( ^
" t# Q1 e: d; Q: B( r6 H
2.The P52OWS can go on the ceiling (careful to mount it securely), 8 feet is not too high. Alternatively you can mount the REAR speakers on the SIDE WALL but BEHIND the listener locations. The SIDE speakers should be on the side wall NEXT to or slightly AHEAD of the listener locations.
8 _- P9 A3 y( U
, S) V& E V8 u: ]$ | 按照我理解的意思就是:9 J" e/ Y8 g3 b) c
( G- R! \) {2 y$ i6 ?- y
1、左中右音箱的最佳高度取决于听者与音箱的高度关系(附注:通常演员的面部位于屏幕底部到顶部的2/3位置,所以在此规则下应该将高音单元位置放于屏幕的上2/3水平线)。如果音箱是放于屏幕顶部的,同样也位于听者上部,那么高音单元应该略向下旋转,指向座位区域的中间位置。这同样适用于垂直或水平放置的音箱。“中置不应高于主箱2英尺(约60厘米)”的陈述(说明书上写的陈述)指的是高音到高音的距离。如果你能够将高音单元向下旋转,指向中间座位区域,然后将主箱挂高一点将会更好。如果不能向下旋转,那么音箱不应该高于耳朵高度30度。/ J" T4 k a+ j
* S+ s& ?9 |7 H! U- g" ~ 2、P52OWS(JBL的偶极环绕)可以挂在天花板上(注意悬挂安全。PS:真贴心),8英尺(约2.4米)不算高。(因为我的客厅后面是饭厅,没有后墙只能挂天花板上)另外你可以将后环绕挂在侧墙上,但是要在听者位置的后面。侧环绕应该在靠近或者略超前于听者的侧墙上。微信:zghifi。 |