苹果音响下月开卖!造型像垃圾桶(双语)_音箱_音频应用论坛 - Powered by AUIOAPP





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[全频箱] 苹果音响下月开卖!造型像垃圾桶(双语)

ht123 发表于 2018-1-29 12:59:54


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 Apple will join the smart speaker fray on February 9 with HomePod, a $349 answer to the Amazon Echo and Google Home. The company will start taking pre-orders on January 29 in the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia, and the speaker will arrive in France and Germany this spring.; O  K% B) p& D
2 C5 m5 G3 f; E9 d- ?6 W; g
  苹果将在2月9号带着HomePod加入智能音响的行列,售价349美金,与亚马逊Echo和谷歌Home展开竞争。苹果公司1月29号会开始在美国、英国和澳大利亚预售,今年春季会音箱也会在法国和德国开始售卖。! O8 H* k# b& a2 h" t# D
  x0 M" N& B0 j5 ?8 e
  Similar to other smart speakers, the HomePod will use voice controls–in this case via Siri–to play music, control smart home devices, send messages, and provide information. Although HomePod is much pricier than speakers from Amazon and Google–both of which start at $50 and often sell at a discount9 G# E: o1 p6 T7 |/ Q
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  Apple is hoping to stand out on the strength of its sound quality, and on Siri's deep ties to Apple Music.To that end, the HomePod won't let users access third-party music services such as Spotify and Pandora with voice commands.! J4 i0 S1 }8 W

' `' r. [4 k" |1 Y' e0 X0 @  但是苹果希望能以苹果音响的音质和Siri跟苹果音乐的紧密联系来拨得头筹。最后,HomePod不支持第三方的音乐服务,例如:Spotify和Pandora。& C8 X( [( G' U4 B. l
- Y" E; ?5 H6 F! _7 H* v: A
  HomePod was supposed to launch in December, but Apple decided to delay the product, and is apparently still working on some key features. A software update later this year will add multi-room audio and support for synchronized stereo playback between two HomePod speakers.9 f# A0 l- i9 C! N* y0 @& q( t6 j

. ?) _) f0 v: U! B) m7 _4 h5 s  HomePod本来打算在12月发型,但是苹果决定推迟产品发布,很显然是要在主要功能上继续进行挖掘更新。在今年年末,苹果进行了重要软件更新,增加了多空间音频播放和支持同步两台HomePod音响播放的功能。
韧天 发表于 2018-3-2 21:43:42
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