房间麦克风及其摆位_二手音频_音频应用论坛 - Powered by AUIOAPP





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[音频线] 房间麦克风及其摆位

gaoling 发表于 2008-9-12 20:31:04


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房间麦克风及其摆位 9 a) _% N% G& |$ T% }, h' e7 L

( W8 V5 ?; J( I1 z& Z: tThis area is tricky. Room frequency “build-ups” and “suck outs” have a major influence. Condensers are the typical choice but each room sounds different, so try every mic that’s left over. It’s a good idea to use two of the same model with the overheads.
; j7 B: n! G- F5 v5 k
7 ~* L) p+ @/ k- j5 D这个区域是比较复杂的。房间频率的“驻波”和“吸声”对拾音有较大的影响。电容麦克是标准的选择但是每个房间的声音特性都不同,所以要尝试剩下的每一支麦克。用两支和OH麦相同型号的麦克是一个不错的主意。9 b' q! ^: p8 k0 |' N. l# {
: p) m- F3 B' P+ g9 m$ P
You might think an omni pickup pattern would work well, meaning the condenser mics would hear behind as well as the sides. Maybe, but I use cardioid most of the time. Start by placing the mics about 15 feet in front of the drums, about four feet above the floor. Spread apart the mics around eight feet or more, using the bass drum as center.
5 K1 J1 @2 ?/ Y% l" g: I2 _2 |; ?5 B  y  a) A& _! t  j
& H% F6 T, B; M4 m, K' R) P8 u4 v' t% x) P( v1 L$ ]) N8 W" J7 L
This is what works for me in my studio, but every studio will have “sweet spots” so experiment! Even a “semi-dead room” might like room mics.
; L6 w# D$ I# Z7 w! u3 {+ T! ?' F4 M9 H$ K& K/ ^
这就是我在自己录音棚里的办法,但是每个录音棚都会有拾音的“皇帝位”,所以还是试验吧!即使一个“半消声室”可能也能用房间麦克。" w$ ?" ?7 |7 F) a: r

5 x  b0 }& T% C/ y( C1 D- R' R7 QIt is possible to use more room mics, especially if the room is big with high ceilings. If this is the case, for high distant miking, try the Neumann M50 (nickel capsule is best) which is designed to be a room mic. This mic sounds bright even when distant from the sound source. It’s a hard mic to find, but it’s great for this application.
wxl012 发表于 2008-9-12 20:35:57
xbr4526 发表于 2008-11-11 10:28:18
:victory: :victory:
野孩子 发表于 2009-3-13 14:27:38
:victory: :victory: :victory: :handshake :handshake
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